The Language of Composition

The Language of Composition


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For over a decade, The Language of Composition has been the most successful textbook written for the AP® English Language and Composition Course. Now, its esteemed author team is back, giving practical instruction geared toward training students to read and write at the college level. The textbook is organized in two parts: opening chapters that develop key rhetoric, argument, and synthesis skills; followed by thematic chapters comprised of the finest classic and contemporary nonfiction and visual texts. With engaging readings and reliable instruction, The Language of Composition gives every students the opportunity for success in AP® English Language.

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1 Introducing Rhetoric: Using the “Available Means”          Activity Understanding Civil Discourse 
The Rhetorical Situation 
Lou Gehrig, Farewell Speech 
          Occasion, Context, and Purpose                    Activity  Analyzing a Rhetorical Situation  
          The Rhetorical Triangle 
                    Activity Mina Shahinfar, First PersonANALYZING VISUAL TEXTS
Recognizing Rhetoric          Frida Kahlo, Self-Portrait on the Borderline between Mexico and the United States (painting)
          Activity Newell Convers Wyeth, Covered Wagons Heading West (painting)

Appeals to Ethos, Logos, and Pathos
                    Automatic Ethos 
          King George VI, The King’s Speech (September 3, 1939) 
                    Building Ethos 
          J. D. Vance, from Hillbilly Elegy 
                    Activity  Establishing Ethos 
                    Conceding and Refuting          Alice Waters, from Slow Food Nation 
                    Activity  Tim Wu, from Mother Nature Is Brought to You By… 
          Richard Nixon, from The Checkers Speech  
                    Activity  Dwight D. Eisenhower, Order of the Day 
          Combining Ethos, Logos, and Pathos 
          Benjamin Banneker, from Letter to Thomas Jefferson                    Activity  Appealing to Ethos, Logos, and Pathos 

Identifying Rhetorical Appeals 
Tom Toles, Rosa Parks (cartoon) 
Activity  Nate Beeler, Government Is Watching (cartoon)
Taking Rhetorical Risks 
Anne Applebaum, If the Japanese Can’t Build a Safe Reactor, Who Can? 
          Activity  Using Effective Rhetoric on Social Media
Humor and Satire in Rhetoric
Alexandra Petri, Barbie Is Past SavingBroti Gupta, The Rules of United Airlines Fight or Flight Club          Activity  The Onion, Girl Moved to Tears by “Of Mice and Men” Cliff’s NotesANALYZING VISUAL TEXTS
Taking Rhetorical RisksRolling Stone
magazine, The Bomber (magazine cover)
Activity Taking Rhetorical Risks
Culminating Activity  Helen Keller, Letter to Mark 2 Close Reading: The Art and Craft of Rhetorical AnalysisAnalyzing Rhetorical Strategies 
          A Model Analysis 
          Queen Elizabeth I, Speech to the Troops at Tilbury 
                    Activity  Looking at Rhetoric and Style 
                    Activity  Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Restoring Black HistoryTalking with the Text 
          Asking Questions 
          Geoffrey Nunberg, from The Decline of Grammar                    Activity  Geoffrey Nunberg, from The Decline of Grammar          Annotating 
          Florence Kelley, Speech on Child Labor          Using a Graphic Organizer 
          From Close Reading to Rhetorical Analysis 
                    Activity Winston Churchill, Blood, Toil, Tears, and SweatANALYZING VISUAL TEXTS
Close Reading

Dodge, It’s a Big Fat Juicy Cheeseburger in a Land of Tofu (advertisement)
  Activity  Coach 1941, Spring 2016 (advertisement)

From Analysis to Essay: Writing a Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Shirley Chisholm, from People and Peace, Not Profits and War 
          Preparing to Write
          Developing a Thesis Statement
          Organizing a Rhetorical Analysis Essay
          Integrating Quotations
          Documenting Sources
          A Sample Rhetorical Analysis Essay

         Culminating Activity
  Hillary Clinton, 2016 Concession Speech3 Analyzing Arguments: From Reading to WritingWhat Is Argument? 
Tom Toles, Crazed Rhetoric (cartoon) 
Amy Domini, Why Investing in Fast Food May Be a Good Thing 
                    Activity  Finding Common Ground 
Staking a Claim 
                    Activity  Identifying Arguable Statements 
          Types of Claims 
                    Claims of Fact 
                    Claims of Value 
          Roger Ebert, Star Wars 
                    Activity  Analyzing a Review 
                    Claims of Policy 
          Anna Quindlen, from The C Word in the Hallways 
                    Activity New York Times Editorial Board, Felons and the Right to VoteANALYZING VISUAL TEXTS
Identifying Claims

Canadian Journalists for Free Expression, Information is Ammunition (advertisement)
Activity  World Wildlife Fund, Tarzan (advertisement)

          From Claim to Thesis 
                    Closed Thesis Statements 
                    Open Thesis Statements 
                    Counterargument Thesis Statements 
Presenting Evidence 
          Relevant, Accurate, and Sufficient Evidence 
          Logical Fallacies 
                    Fallacies of Relevance 
                    Fallacies of Accuracy 
                    Fallacies of Insufficiency 
                    Activity  Francine Prose, from I Know Why the Caged Bird Cannot Read

Identifying Fallacies
PETA, You Wouldn’t Let Your Child Smoke (advertisement)
Heap Analytics, Same Data, Different Y-Axis (graphs)
          Activity  Omega Watch, George Clooney’s Choice (advertisement)
          U.S. Department of Education, High School Graduation Rate (graph)    

          First-Hand Evidence 
                    Personal Experience 
Jennifer Oladipo, Why Can’t Environmentalism Be Colorblind
                    Anecdotes Fabiola Santiago, In College, These American Citizens Are Not Created Equal 
Current Events
Charles Camosy, from Trump Won Because College-Educated Americans Are Out of Touch          Second-Hand Evidence 
                    Historical Information 
                    Expert Opinion 
                    Quantitative Evidence                     Activity  Nicholas Kristof, Do You Care More About a Dog Than a Refugee?  
Shaping Argument 
          Classical Oration 
          Sandra Day O’Connor and Roy Romer, Not by Math Alone 
          Induction and Deduction 
                    Malcolm Gladwell, from Outliers                     Deduction  
                    Combining Induction and Deduction 
                    Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence   
          Using Rogerian Argument
          Using the Toulmin Model 
                    Activity Using Argument Templates 
          Analyzing Assumptions                    Activity Identifying Assumptions
                    Activity  Michael Bloomberg, Ground Zero Mosque Speech  
Examining Arguments
Dorothea Lange, Migrant Mother (photograph)
           Activity     The New Yorker, July 11 & 18, 2016 (magazine cover) 
Evaluating Arguments

Dorothea Lange, Migrant Mother (photograph)
          Activity  The New Yorker, July 11 & 18, 2016 (magazine cover)                    
          Activity Michael Bloomberg, Ground Zero Mosque SpeechFrom Reading to Writing: The Argumentative Essay
          Preparing to Write
          Establishing a Position                     Considering Questions of Fact, Value, and Policy          Crafting a Thesis                    Activity Developing Thesis Statements
          Organizing Your Argument                     Introducing Your Argument
                    Informing Your Audience
                    Supporting Your Argument
                    Acknowledging and Refuting the Counterargument
                    Concluding Your Argument 
          A Sample Argumentative Essay
Culminating Activity
 Writing an Argumentative Essay

4 Synthesizing Sources: Entering the ConversationWhat Is Synthesis? 
Approaching Sources
          Activity Playing the Believing Game
Using Sources to Inform an Argument
Laura Hillenbrand, from Seabiscuit           Activity Gerald L. Early, from A Level Playing Field 
Using Sources to Appeal to an Audience
Steven Pinker, from Words Don’t Mean What They Mean 
Steven Pinker, from The Stuff of Thought 
Steven Pinker, from The Evolutionary Social Psychology of Off-Record Indirect Speech Acts 
          Activity Examining a Columnist 
Conversation Is Technology Making Us Dumber?
          Activity Establishing a Position
1. Mark Bauerlein, from The Dumbest Generation          Activity Mark Bauerlein, from The Dumbest Generation 
2. Alison Gopnik, Is “Screen Time” Dangerous for Children?
          Activity Examining Two Sources: Bauerlein and Gopnik 
3. R. Smith Simpson, from Are We Getting Our Share of the Best? 
4. Jacqueline Howard, This Is How the Internet Is Rewiring Your Brain 
          Activity Examining Two Sources: Simpson and Howard
5. Nicholas Carr, The Illusion of Knowledge  
6. Michael Agger, from Interview with Clive Thompson’s Smarter Than You Think          Activity Finding Common Ground
7.  Sherry Turkle, from Stop Googling. Let’s Talk.          Activity Sherry Turkle, from Stop Googling. Let’s Talk.
8.  Pew Research Center, Americans’ Cell Phone Use During Social Activity (graph)
     Activity Identifying Key Conversation Issues 
Writing a Synthesis Essay 
Identifying the Issues: Recognizing Complexity 
Formulating Your Position 
          Activity Supporting a Thesis 
Framing Quotations 
Integrating Quotations 
          Activity Using Sources Effectively 
Citing Sources 
A Sample Synthesis Essay 
Culminating Conversation     Mandatory Community Service
1. Barack Obama, from  Commencement Address at Wesleyan University2. Frank Bruni, from To Get to Harvard, Go to Haiti?
3. Lily Lou, The Downside of School Volunteer Requirements4. Corporation for National and Community Service, Volunteering: A Pathway to Employment (infographic)
6. Detroit News, Volunteering Opens Teen’s Eyes to Nursing7. Eliza McGraw, from With a Homeless Center on Campus, Students Have an Unusual Chance to Serve
5 EducationTo what extent do our schools serve the goals of a true education?
Central Essay          Fareed Zakaria, from In Defense of a Liberal Education 

Classic Essay          Frederick Douglass, The Blessings of Liberty and EducationOther Voices
          Ralph Waldo Emerson, from Education
          James Baldwin, A Talk to Teachers 
          Lori Arviso Alvord, Walking the Path Between Worlds          Francine Prose, I Know Why the Caged Bird Cannot Read          David Sedaris, Me Talk Pretty One Day          Barbara Oakley, Why Virtual Classes Can Be Better Than Real Ones          Nicholas Kristof, My Friend, the Former Muslim Extremist          Danielle Allen, What Is Education For? 
          Nikole Hannah-Jones, Have We Lost Sight of the Promise of Public Schools?

Visual Texts          Cyril Edward Power, The Exam Room (linocut) 
          Roz Chast, What I Learned: A Sentimental Education from Nursery School through Twelfth Grade (cartoon) 

Conversation   The Future of High School 
1. Horace Mann, from Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education2. Leon Botstein, Let Teenagers Try Adulthood3. Meditation in Schools across America (infographic)
4. Nicholas Wyman, Why We Desperately Need to Bring Back Vocational Training In Schools5. Amanda Ripley, What America Can Learn from Smart Schools in Other Countries6. Leslie Nguyen-Okwu, How High Schools Are Demolishing the Classroom7. Brentin Mock, from We Will Pay High School Students to Go to School. And We Will Like It.8. Amy Rolph, This High School Wants to Revolutionize Learning with Technology AP®-Style Multiple-Choice Questions          Fareed Zakaria, from In Defense of a Liberal Education          Frederick Douglass, from The Blessings of Liberty and EducationSuggestions for Writing 
6 Popular Culture 
To what extent does pop culture reflect our society’s values?
Central Essay          James McBride, Hip Hop Planet 

Classic Essay
          Mark Twain, Corn-Pone Opinions 

Other Voices
          Ray Bradbury, The Affluence of Despair          David Denby, High-School Confidential: Notes on Teen Movies 
          Emily Nussbaum, The Price Is Right: What Advertising Does to TV          Troy Patterson, How the Motorcycle Jacket Lost Its Cool and Found It Again          Hua Hsu, How to Listen to Music
          Angelica Jade Bastién, Have Superheroes Killed the Movie Star? 
          Mark Greif, Get Off the Treadmill: The Art of Living Well in the Age of Plenty          Justin Peters, The Ballad of Balloon Boy
          Bob Dylan, Nobel Prize Banquet SpeechVisual Texts          John Singer Sargent, Mrs. Carl Meyer and Her Children (painting)
          Andy Warhol, Myths (painting)
          from Formation (photograph) 

Conversation    The Value of Celebrity Activism
1. C. Wright Mills, from The Power Elite2. Dave Gilson, Dr. Clooney, I Presume? (illustration)
3. Brad Knickerbocker, West Memphis Three: Internet Campaign, Hollywood Drove Their Release4. Andres Jimenez, Why Celebrity Activism Does More Harm Than Good5. Jeffrey Kluger, Jim Carrey, Please Shut Up about Vaccines6. Georgia Cole, Ben Radley, and Jean-Benoit Falîsse, Who Really Benefits from Celebrity Activism?
7. Joshua Ostroff, Beyoncé and Why Celebrity Activists Matter8. Jay Caspian Kang, Should Athletes Stick to Sports?
AP®-Style Multiple-Choice Questions 
          James McBride, from Hip-Hop Planet          Mark Twain, from Corn Pone OpinionsSuggestions for Writing 
Popular Culture 

7 The Environment 
What is our responsibility to the natural environment?
Central Essay          Rachel Carson, from Silent Spring 

Classic Essay          Ralph Waldo Emerson, from Nature Other Voices          Aldo Leopold, from The Land Ethic 
          Lewis Thomas, Natural Man 
          Terry Tempest Williams, The Clan of One-Breasted Women 
          Wangari Maathai, Nobel Prize Lecture          Bill McKibben, A Moral Atmosphere          Barry Yeoman, From Billions to None          Joel Achenbach, Why Science Is So Hard to Believe          Sarah Zhang, Save the Galapagos with GMO Rats. What Could Go Wrong?          E. O. Wilson, A Biologist’s Manifesto for Preserving Life on Earth          John Mooallem, Our Climate Future Is Actually Our Climate PresentVisual Texts          Robert Crumb, A Short History of America (cartoon) 
          Royal Dutch/Shell, Let’s Go (advertisement) 

Conversation    Sustainable Eating 
1. Michael Pollan, from Unhappy Meals
2. James McWilliams, The Locavore Myth 
3. Nicolette Hahn Niman, The Carnivore’s Dilemma4. Jonathan Safran Foer, Let Them Eat Dog: A Modest Proposal for Tossing Fido in the Oven 
5. Will Allen, A Good Food Manifesto for America6. Aliza Eliazarov, from Waste Not (visual essay)
7. Emily Anthes, from Could Insects Be the Wonder Food of the Future?
8. Bahar Gholipour, Lab-Grown Meat May Save a Lot More Than Farm Animals’ LivesAP®-Style Multiple-Choice Questions 
          Rachel Carson, from Silent Spring 
          Ralph Waldo Emerson, from NatureSuggestions for Writing 
          The Environment 

8 Community
What is the relationship of the individual to the community?
Central Essay          Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail Classic Essay          Henry David Thoreau, Where I Lived, and What I Lived For Other Voices          Oliver Goldsmith, National Prejudices 
          Robert D. Putnam, Health and Happiness 
          Amy Tan, Mother Tongue          Rebecca Solnit, from A Paradise Built in Hell          Malcolm Gladwell, Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted          Lee Smith, Raised to Leave: Some Thoughts on “Culture”          David Brooks, How Covenants Make Us          Sebastian Junger, from Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging          J. D. Vance, Why I’m Moving Home          Ted Closson, A GoFundMe Campaign Is Not Health Insurance (graphic essay)

Visual Texts          Norman Rockwell, Freedom from Want (painting) 
          Nissan Motor Company, The Black Experience Is Everywhere (advertisement)

Conversation Building Online Communities1. Laura Hudson, from Curbing Online Abuse Isn’t Impossible. Here’s Where We Start.2. Pew Research Center, Online Harassment (graphs)
3. Emma Sterland, Online Forums Are a Lifeline for Isolated Parents of Disabled Children4. Sven Birkerts, from Changing the Subject: Art and Attention in the Internet Age5. Dex Torricke-Barton, from How the Internet Is Uniting the World6. Mallory Ortberg, from The Companions of My Heart: On Making Friends on the Internet7. Jenna Wortham, from Is Social Media Disconnecting Us from the Big Picture?
8. Emerson Csorba, The Constant Sharing Is Making Us Competitive and DepressedAP®-Style Multiple-Choice Questions 
          Martin Luther King, Jr., from Letter from Birmingham Jail          Henry David Thoreau, from Where I Lived, and What I Lived ForSuggestions for Writing 

9 SportsHow do the values of sports affect the way we see ourselves?
Central Essay          Gay Talese, The Silent Season of a Hero 

Classic Essay          Frances Willard, from How I Learned to Ride the Bicycle: Reflection of an Influential Nineteenth-Century WomanOther Voices          Theodore Roosevelt, The Proper Place for Sports          William Faulkner, An Innocent at Rinkside          Joyce Carol Oates, The Cruelest Sport          Jane Smiley, Barbaro, The Heart in the Winner’s Circle          Malcolm Gladwell, Man and Superman 
          Claudia Rankine, The Meaning of Serena Williams           Michael Powell, Uprooted to Brooklyn, and Nourished by Cricket          Rahawa Haile, How Black Books Lit My Way Along the Appalachian TrailVisual Texts          New York World, The Twelfth Player in Every Football Game (cartoon)
          Sports Illustrated, Yes! (magazine cover)

Conversation Paying College Athletes
1. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, from College Athletes of the World, Unite2. Rosalyn R. Ross, Paying Student Athletes Is More Than Just a Question of Compensation
3. Ekow N. Yankah, Why N.C.A.A. Athletes Shouldn’t Be Paid4. Joe Nocera, A Way to Start Paying College Athletes5. John R. Thelin, Here’s Why We Shouldn’t Pay College Athletes6. Nigel Hayes, Broke College Athlete (photograph)
7. Shane Battier, from Let Athletes Be Students8. Patrick Hruby, from Does Racial Resentment Fuel Opposition to Paying College Athletes?

AP®-Style Multiple-Choice Questions 
          Gay Talese, from The Silent Season of a Hero          Frances Willard, from How I Learned to Ride the BicycleSuggestions for Writing 

10 MoneyWhat is the role of money in our everyday lives?
Central Essay          Barbara Ehrenreich, from Serving in Florida 

Classic Essay
          Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal Other Voices          Andre Carnegie, from The Gospel of Wealth          Booker T. Washington, The Atlanta Exposition Address          Lars Eighner, On Dumpster Diving 
          Eric Schlosser, from In the Strawberry Fields 
          Peter Singer, The Singer Solution to World Poverty 
          Carmen Maria Machado, Luxury Shopping, from the Other Side of the Register          Charles Murray, A Guaranteed Income for Every American           Jia Tolentino, The Gig Economy Celebrates Working Yourself to Death          Matthew Desmond, from House Rules: How Homeownership Became the Engine of American InequalityVisual Texts          Diego Rivera, Night of the Rich (mural)
          Hazel Florez, Panama Papers (collage)

Conversation The Cost of College1. Sara Goldrick-Rab and Nancy Kendall, Make the First Two Years of College Free2. Matt Bruenig, The Case against Free College3. Gallup, The Relationship between Student Debt, Experiences and Perceptions of College Worth (graphs)
4. Bernie Sanders, Make College Free for All5. Keith Ellison, The Argument for Tuition-Free College
6. Thomas Sowell, No Way That Going to College Can, or Should Be, Free7. Anya Kamenetz, Is Free College Really Free?AP®-Style Multiple-Choice Questions 
          Barbara Ehrenreich, from Serving in Florida           Jonathan Swift, from A Modest ProposalSuggestions for Writing 
11 GenderWhat is the impact of the gender roles that society creates and enforces?
Central Essay          Alice Walker, In Search of Our Mothers’ GardensClassic Essay
          Virginia Woolf, Professions for Women 

Other Voices          John and Abigail Adams, Letters          Charlotte Brontë, Biographical Notice of Ellis and Acton Bell          Judy Brady, I Want a Wife           Stephen Jay Gould, Women’s Brains          Brent Staples, Just Walk on By: A Black Man Ponders His Power to Alter Public Space          Jimmy Carter, Losing My Religion for Equality          Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Why Can’t a Smart Woman Love Fashion? 
          Jessa Crispin, from Why I Am Not a Feminist: A Feminist Manifesto          Cristina Henríquez, Doubly Denied          Zoe Williams, Why Wonder Woman Is a Masterpiece of Subversive Feminism 
Visual Texts          Charles Le Brun, Chancellor Séguier at the Entry of Louis XIV into Paris in 1660 (painting) & Kehinde Wiley, The Chancellor Séguier on Horseback (painting)
          J. Howard Miller, We Can Do It! (poster) & Abigail Gray Swartz, The March (magazine cover)

Conversation Defining Masculinity 
1. Leonard McCombe, Marlboro Man (photo)
2. Paul Theroux, Being a Man3. Stephanie Coontz, from The Myth of Male Decline4. Kali Holloway, from Toxic Masculinity Is Killing Men5. Roberto A. Ferdman, The Perils of Being Manly6. Frank Miniter, The Hard, Adrenaline-Soaked Truth about “Toxic Masculinity”7. Emily Bobrow, from The Man Trap8. Andrew Reiner, Talking to Boys the Way We Talk to GirlsAP®-Style Multiple-Choice Questions 
          Alice Walker, from In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens          Virginia Woolf, from Professions for Women

Suggestions for Writing 

12 JusticeTo what extent do our laws and politics reflect the values of a just society?

Central Essay          Ta-Nehisi Coates, from Between the World and MeClassic Essay
          Henry David Thoreau, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience 

Other Voices          Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address 
          Emmeline Pankhurst, from Freedom or Death          George Orwell, Politics and the English Language          Earl Warren, A Home for American Jurisprudence          John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address 
          Ronald Reagan, Statement on United States Immigration and Refugee Policy          Robert C. Solomon, from Justice and the Passion for Vengeance          Naomi Shihab Nye, To Any Would-Be Terrorists
          Atul Gawande, from Hellhole          Barack Obama, Remarks by the President at the 50th Anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery Marches
          Jennifer Lackey, The Irrationality of Natural Life Sentences          Mitch Landrieu, Truth: Remarks on the Removal of Confederate Monuments in New Orleans          Bryan Stevenson, A Presumption of Guilt          Patrick Radden Keefe, Why Corrupt Bankers Avoid Jail  
Visual Texts          George Biddle, Society Freed through Justice (mural) 
          Eugène Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People (painting) & Sandow Birk, Injustice Leading Greed and Opportunity (painting)

Conversation The Limits of Free Speech 
1. Thane Rosenbaum, Should Neo-Nazis Be Allowed Free Speech?
2. Eugene Volokh, No, There’s No “Hate Speech” Exception to the First Amendment3. Sean Stevens and Nick Phillips, Free Speech is the Most Effective Antidote to Hate Speech4. Lata Nott, Free Speech Isn’t Always Valuable. That’s Not the Point.5. Laura Beth Nielsen, The Case for Restricting Hate Speech6. Signe Wilkinson, Free Speech (cartoon)

AP®-Style Multiple-Choice Questions 
          Ta-Nehisi Coates, from Between the World and Me          Henry David Thoreau, from The Duty of Civil Disobedience

Suggestions for Writing 

Appendix A: Grammar as Rhetoric and Style         Part 1 Diction and Syntax1. Appositives
2. Modifiers
3. Pronouns
4. Direct, Precise, and Active Verbs
5. Concise Diction

          Part 2 Syntax and Structure6. Parallel Structures
7. Short Simple Sentences and Fragments
8. Cumulative, Periodic, and Inverted Sentences
9. Subordination in Complex Sentences

Appendix B: Argument Strategies Rogerian Argument           E. O. Wilson, from Letter to a Southern Baptist Pastor
           Activity Mitch Landrieu, from Truth: Remarks on the Removal of
           Confederate Monuments in New Orleans

Appendix C: Practice AP® English Language and Composition ExamAppendix D: MLA Guidelines for a List of Works CitedGlossaryAcknowledgments Index 

Additional information

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