Invention as a Social Act

Invention as a Social Act


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The act of inventing relates to the process of inquiry, to creativity, to poetic and aesthetic invention.

Building on the work of rhetoricians, philosophers, linguists, and theorists in other dis­ciplines, Karen Burke LeFevre challenges a widely-held view of rhetorical invention as the act of an atomistic individual. She proposes that invention be viewed as a social act, in which individuals in­teract dialectically with society and culture in dis­tinctive ways.

Even when the primary agent of invention is an individual, invention is pervasively affected by rela­tionships of that individual to others through lan­guage and other socially shared symbol systems. LeFevre draws implications of a view of invention as a social act for writers, researchers, and teachers of writing.

Building on the work of rhetoricians, philosophers, linguists, and theorists in other dis­ciplines, Karen Burke LeFevre challenges a widely-held view of rhetorical invention as the act of an atomistic individual. She proposes that invention be viewed as a social act, in which individuals in­teract dialectically with society and culture in dis­tinctive ways.
Karen Burke LeFevre teaches and directs the Writing Center in the Department of Language, Literature, and Communication at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

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Dimensions 1 × 6 × 9 in