Il disegno veneziano 1580-1650

Il disegno veneziano 1580-1650


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SKU: 9788822265036 Category:
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Trade Discount 5 + 25%


Although Venetian art of the late sixteenth century and early seventeenth century has been the subject of scholarly study for nearly a century, it is comparatively little explored, and a great deal of the foundational work needed has remained undone. This books sets out to fill in the gaps and flesh out the outlines of our knowledge of this period, introducing a great number of artists whose drawings may be very little known, and discussing their patrons, the market for their drawings, and the collectors of this kind of material. It is therefore a volume that will be fundamental for dealers, libraries, curators and enthusiasts for drawings. Some 36 major artists or studios are catalogued in this volume, including Antonio Vassilacchi (l’Aliense), the Caliari (Veronese) workshop, Odoardo Fialetti, Francesco Maffei, the Maganza, Pietro Malombra, Alessandro Varotari (il Padovanino), Palma il Giovane, Paolo Fiammingo, Carlo Ridolfi and Andrea Vicentino.

Additional information

Dimensions 2 × 12 × 9 in