Daily Aromatherapy

Daily Aromatherapy


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The seasons of the year parallel the symbolic seasons of life, with spring representing the childhood years of hope and seeing the world with new eyes; summer the young-adult years of growth and engagement; autumn the years of mid-life reflection, healing, and forgiveness; and winter the late-life years of rest, restoration, and rejuvenation. Daily Aromatherapy introduces readers to the transformative qualities of nature’s aromas for each of these seasons. Each month of the year profiles and explores the psychological and subtle energy aspects of four different essential oils–one per week. Forty-eight different oils are profiled in this way. Readers experience each oil and its powers in depth through seven different intention exercises: an affirmation, emotional self-discovery questions, a ceremony, a blessing, an activity, a visualization, and a prayer.
While aromatherapy is a holistic modality, affecting the body, mind, and spirit, the focus of Daily Aromatherapy is on mind and spirit. While not explicitly including the physical applications of essential oils for treating conditions like colds, flu, or muscle strain, this appealing book shows how physical health is greatly enhanced by the psychological and spiritual well-being that comes from understanding and using these gifts of nature. “Daily Aromatherapy provides a powerful way to experience our deeper self and invite the seeds of change. With the backdrop of time, we weave our way through affirmations, visualizations, blessings, and ceremonies as the oils awaken our inner guidance where authenticity alone lies. What a wonderful way to transform our lives—by taking the steps to wholeness, one day at a time!”
—Brenda Hinton, integrative wellness coach
“This book is an offering of love from women whose connection to essential oils is sacred and profound. Each day provides an invitation to deepen your knowledge of essential oils, connect to the seasons, and come into greater alignment with your soul. Daily Aromatherapy is packed with wonderful resources for the layperson as well as the professional. A pure joy!”
—Elizabeth Lombardo, self-care program supervisor, Health & Healing Center, California Pacific Medical Center
“Using essential oils, Daily Aromatherapy takes us on a journey that helps us connect more intimately to nature, the seasons of the year, and the emotional seasons within us. There is no better way to be uplifted—to experience joy and hope, clarity and inspiration—than sitting down with a daily, aromatic exercise that fully engages our body, mind, heart, and spirit.”
—Christel Lukoff, PhD, psychotherapist and hospice social worker
“In this creative and accessible resource, Joni Keim and Ruah Bull, who have worked in the healing arts for years, present 13 different oils for each season of the year — spring as a time for optimism and hope, summer as a time for manifestation and full expression, autumn as a time to reflect on your life and assess the health and well-being of your body, heart, mind, and spirit, and winter as a time to feel comfortable, safe and secure.”
Spirituality & Practice Joni Keim has been working in the alternative health field since 1976 as an educator, author, practitioner, and consultant. She has certificates in aromatherapy, holistic health sciences, massage, aesthetics, flower essence therapy, and energy healing. Keim is a technical advisor and educator for the Natural Product Industry and for the professional aromatherapy field. She has a private consulting practice in Sonoma County, and specializes in creating formulation guidelines for natural skin care products, and integrating alternative modalities into wellness and spa programs.
Ruah Bull, MA, MEd, has been working in the healing arts since 1978. She holds masters degrees in education and psychology, and certificates in spiritual direction, guided imagery, aromatherapy, and energy healing. Bull has a private practice in spiritual direction working with people on both traditional and non-traditional spiritual paths. She specializes in helping with the contemplative journey. US

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 1 × 5 × 8 in